Wild Soul Collective
wild soul collective
The magical gateway of March 🌱

The magical gateway of March 🌱

change | balance | awakenings | rebirth

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Hello, you.

And welcome to magical gateway of March! We have now arrived. And this most powerful, transitional month of change, balance, awakenings, and rebirth is here. A wild, chaotic month weather-wise, but one that many of us have longed for since the last of the autumn leaves fell to the ground. I can hardly believe that March is here.

February, though the shortest month of the year, felt very long to me. And, as usual, I felt swallowed up and enveloped by the weird, difficult energy of February that haunts me every year. Even if I enter the month with a bit of caution and a dash of hope, life always seems to become extra heavy just as I am ready to begin to shake off the dark winter energy. Challenging, life-changing moments always unfold all month long.

And, this February was no different. I have actually spent the past month making deep, painful changes that have set me on a whole new path in life. It’s much too much to share with you here and now, but as I return to writing a bit more this month, maybe I will be able to share some of what kept me so quiet and inwardly focused all throughout February. In any case, these changes that I have made are intensely difficult right now, but I am pushing through, knowing that I am being honest and true to my deepest self. I know that this is the culmination of a long, difficult season that began just after the autumn equinox with the death of my father. And, though it is hard, I also see the mystical symbolism in releasing everything and embarking on something new as I move from the energy of February into March’s fresh, new, renewing vibe.

february: snowy moments. grounding moments. and welcoming a new family member, björn/bear.

So, with that said, as we welcome March this weekend, it is now time to shake off the old, truly bid sweet farewell to winter, and turn towards spring.

March, once celebrated as the start of the new year, signals to us that something new is indeed on the way. During this wild, windy month, winter, slowly and somewhat chaotically, gives way to spring. It is the final departure of the long, dark nights and an invitation to awaken from our hibernating and welcome the coming of spring.

I feel as if March is a gateway month. We begin in one place and end up somewhere completely different. The earth guides us through the gate, through the changing of the seasons, from winter to spring. And, even though there are still possible snowstorms on the horizon, even through April, there is no denying that we are moving through nature’s changes with her. And, as March unfolds, we pass through the gate into the official beginning of the season of blooms and blossoms.

Phase 1: Early March

The first few weeks of March are like those moments just before dawn. It is the time of the year when I find myself feeling the most weary and desperate for the darkness to end. It is a moment of high anticipation. But, soon, I remember that change is not easy. And it does not happen instantly. Often change is chaotic, messy, painful. The earth is waking, the winds of change are whipping, snow and rain and sun are a daily occurrence - often all happening within the same day. I can almost feel the god of winter and the god of summer fighting over who will win. It is a violent, unstable time. But, if I take a bigger perspective and don’t let myself get caught up in the moment, I can easily see that winter truly is slowly giving way to spring. This is the month of shifting seasons, of transitioning, and of awakening. And, honestly, none of these things are simple or easy. But, they are so worth it. 

So, I settle back into the rhythms of March and patiently continue the journey towards spring.

Phase 2: Mid-March

In the middle of March, we are now fully awake and dawn is breaking. We have arrived at the sacred Spring Equinox. It is a magical, astronomical moment in which we can pause and breathe and feel the shift. This is a day of perfect, momentary balance all over the world, when the hours of light and dark are equal, due to the earth’s tilt and place in relation to the sun. It is the moment that we move through the gate and cross over into the light half of the year. From the now on, there will be more hours of daylight than darkness until the autumn equinox in September. From now on, the sun dominates and winter has finally officially ended. It is also time to celebrate Ostara, the ancient festival of rebirth and new beginnings.

I’ll not say much about the festival of Ostara and the equinox now, though, because I want to write to you on March 20th, the day we pass over this most sacred threshold.

Late March + into April

As March comes to an end and April begins, morning has broken. We are on the other side of the gate now. All of nature is waking and rising and growing. This is the season of hope. Yes, it often feels slow, but there is no denying that change has arrived and that a new season has begun. The sun’s power and warmth grows every single day. So, it’s time to head out into the spring air, chilly as it may be, and breathe in the new, fresh energy of a new year. There is a feeling of joy and possibility swirling around as cherry blossoms float and dance through the air. And I often find myself filled with inspiration, wanting to begin something new, and ready to create.

In March, all things are made new. All of nature wakes. The earth comes slowly alive again. And, if we tune in and drop down into the energy of March ourselves, we will also wake and return to life. Perhaps quite different than we were at this time last year. Perhaps only a tiny bit different. Nevertheless, having followed nature’s cycle of growth, life, and death over the past year, we are now being reborn once again. And, we are invited to softly, intentionally enter a new growing season and the half of the year when we come alive, dance, live, create, and explore. But, lest we forget, always remembering to slowly unfold in rhythm with the gentle pace of nature, so as to not miss the tiny, small, simple joys of these daily moments.

March is here, my friend. And I wish you a most magical month of transitions and awakenings.

Feel the brisk winds of change. Bathe in the returning warmth of the sun. Enjoy the last cold snows of winter. Cozy up to the soft rains that patter on our windows and nourish the growing seeds. Let in the cool, fresh air to purify and cleanse your home. Bask in the growing daylight hours. We're now at the threshold of spring. The 6 months where the sun dominates the sky is drawing near. New energy has been gathering beneath the frozen earth and is now ready to slowly thaw and be released. After the long, dark winter, we have come to the soft, gentle, bright season of awakening and rebirth. Something new is waiting to begin.

xoxo. liz.

March happenings

☀️ March sunrise/sunset times in Norrköping, Sweden (Mondays)

  • 04 March - 6:41 / 17:33 (day length 10 hours, 51 min)

  • 11 March - 6:21 / 17:49

  • 18 March - 6:01 / 18:05 (almost equal day and night!)

  • 25 March - 5:41/ 18:21

  • 31 March - 6:24 / 19:35 (day length 13 hours, 11 min!!)

🌙 Moon phases (Europe)

  • 19 March - Super New Moon

  • 25 March - Worm Full moon

✨ Sacred Days

  • 17 March - St. Patrick’s Day

  • 20 March - Spring Equinox and Ostara: a celebration of new beginnings, rebirth and the return of spring

  • 25-31 March - Holy Week and Easter Sunday: life, rebirth, hope

  • Other spiritual, springy holidays in March - Ramadan, Baha’i, Holi

🎵 The playlist

follow the seasons with the belovelive wheel of the year

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Wild Soul Collective
wild soul collective
WSC is a belovelive podcast filled with stories, rituals, meditations, and inspo on living a slow, soulful life in rhythm with the seasons.